As we know that AWS Route53 Service is paid service and it costly to even map your domain to your server. And it is also a complex other than the usual domain mapping process.
Step 1:
Check the public Ip of your Ec2 instance
If you don’t have a public Ip of your instance, open the console of AWS account then go to the Ec2 service dashboard, then click on the “Running instance”, Now you are able to see all running instance select pointing one and click on that and scroll down until you see ‘IPv4 Public IP’ , that value is your public Ip.

Step 2:
Now it’s time to open Domain DNS Management then go to Manage zone. There we are able to see some records like ‘A’, ‘CNAME’, ‘NS’, ‘MX’, etc. We don’t have to touch those existing records; we will create two new records for our server.
Click on add new record, we have to add ‘A’ type record and put the record as per below images

Now, we have to add another ‘A’ record. Now in ‘Host’ insert ‘*’ (without quotes) and in the ‘Points to’ field your Ip address as earlier. This will allow you to map your sub-domain to your server like your domain with ‘www’.

Step 3:
Restart your server. And check your website.
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